
11 Last Minute Eco-Gift Ideas
Did the day for your gift exchange/delivery sneak up on you? Or are you wanting to add another something to an existing gift but not sure what? Here are 11 gift ideas that you can throw together in less than an hour.
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The Christmas Tree Debate

For those of you who celebrate Christmas, or simply enjoy the decorations, you’ve likely asked yourself: “Is a fresh or artificial tree more eco-friendly?”. Let’s examine the pros and cons of fresh vs. artificial trees and some things to keep in mind.

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Gift Ideas for People Who Aren't Eco-Focused
With the holidays fast approaching I’m reminded of a familiar dilemma: What do I get my friends and family who aren’t sustainably focused? This may not seem like too big of a deal, however, I don’t want to purchase things that are harmful to the environment, but I also want to make sure I get something special.
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Eco-Friendly Gift Shopping
Figure out what they need/want and find it in an eco friendly way. For example, more sustainable materials or from a small business. Thrifting is also a great option. Right now there are lots of holiday sweaters at local thrift stores. Supporting small businesses is also a great way to keep money circulating in the local community.
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